
hella real jewish ritual

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waterpuller’s light #33: ויצא

26 november 2020

this reading comes from genesis 28:10-32:3 with sounds from will gluck and translations from tal mor

Drawn to a dense ancestral arena: feet, Jacob, feet, Jacob, feet. A watering on his way, lounging sheep cliques there, three circles, awaiting the big boulder budge. When would the opening speak? Neighbor cliques temporarily adjoined, water, oh bursting heart, stone, oh protective amulet. Mouthway has a turn time. Then stone prayed back to the boundary, big push.

genesis 29:1-3

Sheep keepers, sliblings? Fromness revealed quickly. Ah, Haran. Laban, mutual friends, yup. Rachel sounded as well, new. Nu? She was coming with another fluff clique soon. Jacob thought the cliques should not all mingle yet, in the beginning of the sun’s first stretches. Best wait for a post-meal moon feature, no? Quenching could be simple, asocial for now.

genesis 29:4-8

But nope. Now-siblings explained that when all the cliques join, mouthway turns offering and woolen thirst is subsequently quenched. Rachel came with her paternal fluff feet parade, as they knew she would. Jacob witnessed her coming closer and caused the opening to speak. Kiss kiss, water was made available from the mouthway and his knowing eyes alike.

genesis 29:9-11