
hella real jewish ritual

waterpuller's light #17: שופטים

20 august 2020

three selections from deuteronomy 16:18-21:9

treat yourself to judges and rulers up to your total standard set by the endless beyond you in your various social sectors so they speak a fair sentence for the people. do not skew the judgment, do not favor certain faces. and do not take any bribes, because bribery blinds experts’ eyes and distorts righteous people’s words. chase after justice––justice all the way to being alive so you can earn the materiality that your one out there gives you.

deuteronomy 16:18-20

when you achieve the materiality that your endless out there gives you and enrich yourself by it and settle down in it then you might decide: “i’ll place a leader over myself like every country in my region.” for real you’ll place a leader over yourself selected by your endless out there––from your siblings’ gut you’ll place a leader. you won’t be filled to place a foreign leader over yourself who is not one of yours. just don’t let them splurge on military gear and turn the people back to the narrows in order to keep splurging on military gear, when what is decided you won’t continue turning in that stepway any more. they also shouldn’t overdo it with sex so their desires don’t distract them and they don’t concentrate too much wealth for themselves.

deuteronomy 17:14-17

when you exit to war over your hater and see they got hella gear and weapons bigger stronger than you, you won’t be afraid of them if your endless transcendence is with you, the one who raised you out of material clenching. when you get closer to war, the shaman would approach and speak to the people. she’d say to them: “listen angelpunchers! right now you are gutted to war over your haters. your heart won’t soften. don’t fear don’t hurry and don’t be ruled by their faces, because the endless, your beyond, the one who moves inside you to fight for you with your haters, to set you free.”



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